7 Signs You Are An Old Soul


Ever had the feeling you don't fit in? Ever had the feeling your inner age doesn't match with your biological age? Ever had the feeling of knowing something but didn't know why?

Well, if the answer to these questions is a big yes, this may be an indicator that you are an old soul. For those who don't know an old soul is a soul reincarnated many times over a long period of time. These souls were one of the first souls when the universe was created, who incarnated as human beings or animals.

Their task in life and for the human consciousness is to learn from their mistakes and teach their wisdom to younger souls, who don't have this great level of life experience. But don't get me wrong! Being an old soul has nothing to do with your biological age. There are people in their 20's who know far more about life than for example people in their 60's.

7 Signs You Are An Old Soul:

  1. You are wise beyond your years: This is the most obvious sign that you are an ancient soul. Through your incredible amount of life experiences, you have gather a broad spectrum of knowledge and a deep wisdom about life. While you maybe just be a child, you know a lot of things without knowing why. Furthermore, your ability to learn new things is enhanced greatly, through your sympathy towards learning.
  2. You love to learn new things: The world is like a huge playground for you. You were and still are always looking for new skills to learn and for new wisdom to acquire. For you the richness of this world isn't found in gold mines, but in books and in the miraculous way Mother Nature works. While other are talking about sports, you love to talk about how the world works.
  3. You feel comfortable around older people: Well, this may not be true for everyone, but most of you feel comfortable in the presence of older people. It's this understanding and this ability to correlate with them, which makes it so wonderful to speak to the older generation. This may be due to your shared view towards life (f.e. you love to do everything slowly and mindful) or because of the high age of your soul.
  4. You have troubles with authority: Oh yeah. That's probably true for many of us. As you have gone through life times over life times, you have become wiser and wiser. This wisdom has manifested itself in this symbolic wise man in you(r soul), which in turn makes it harder to tribute respect to people who want authority but don't deserve it. We all probably know this type of guy, who thinks he deserves respect only because of his age or rank. Many of us have troubles with those people, because our third eye sees the true form of this being and this being is nothing more than a little child who learns how to walk. 
  5. The way you think is much more advanced: I experienced this phenomena as a child very often. While I thought war is just utter nonsense, because if you use your mind you will see that we are all related, adults couldn't understand what I meant. For them reality was absolute. Everything they have been taught in school or by their parents was an unquestionable truth. There lack of depth didn't allow them to think for themselves. Therefore we as old souls had troubles in childhood (and also have now in adolescence) that people understood us. 
  6. You feel much older than you are: Well, I guess this is obvious. While all the other signs are also great indicators, probably the reason why you have clicked on this link is because you feel you are (much) older than you seem in this physical reality. Maybe you are 14 or 21 or 35, however the age you feel you are is way beyond this numbers. Some old souls say they are over 200 years old, others even feel that they are thousands of years old. But the most important thing to keep in mind is to respect your high age and the wisdom of your soul. 
  7. People seek guidance from you: And the last sign you are an old soul, is the fact that other people (even strangers) seek guidance from you. While most of the time it's just the vibe you give off, people are still drawn to you like iron spans to a magnet. When they come to you however you don't feel annoyed or under pressure, you feel calm and relaxed and appreciated, like you were born for this. 

So this were 7 Signs You Are An Old Soul. As I always say, there are much more signs out there, but those were the most significant ones in my life. Being an old soul is a very precious gift. So we have to value it by enlighten the wisdom in our fellow human beings and ourselves. We are the preserver of lost gone wisdom

“There is a beautiful thing inside you that is thousand o years old. Too old to be captured in poems. Too old to be loved by everyone but so loved so very deeply by a chosen few.” -Nikita Gill


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