The 7 Hermetic Principles



I'm sure all of you know that human made law is not just. We have made laws in a world, which already is governed by laws. These laws are universal principles. They are created by which all was, is and will be created. They govern our lifes and everything in the universe. You don't have to believe me. You have to think for yourself and acknowledge the Truth.

These universal laws were written down by the egyptian god Thoth. There are 7 laws that govern everything. Maybe you ask why exactly 7?
The number 7 is the number of the cosmos, the mysteries. It also has a reference with the 7 sacraments, the 7 chakras and the Jewish Tree of Life, the Kabbala. Even the human body has 7 openings. Count them, if you don't believe me. With these laws you can change your life. They will help you evolve towards your greatest version.


Here are the 7 Hermetic Principles:

  1. The Law of Mentalism: Everything in the universe is mental. All is energy or in other words consciousness. When we take a look at the tiniest particles and furthermore into them, we see they consist only of vibrating energy. You, I and everything around us is pure energy. The only difference is the degree in which this energy is vibrating. A thought for example vibrates at a much higher frequency than a stone. These levels of consciousness or energy are allowing us to create the reality we are living in. Maybe it's hard to understand, because we have the fixed concept of the term 'solid'. In fact there exists no 'solid' object in the universe. Scientists have found out that the space between the protons and the electrons in an atom and the space between the atoms in a molecule are so big, that we consist 99.9 % of nothing. This fact is shocking and it challenges the modern view of reality. We think we are so different, but in fact we are equal to everything in the universe.
  2. The Law of Correspondence: "As above, so below". What happens within you, also happens in the physical world. When you feel that everyone is against you, you will see many wrong people in your life. But when you feel that the your life is wonderful, you will experience events which reflect your inner state of being. Everything you put out in the universe, will come back. Another more scientific example for the Law of Correspondence is the similarity between the structure of an atom and a solar system. The sun is the center, the nucleus, and the planets are the orbiting electrons. One example, which fascinates me a lot, is the similarity between the pupil of an eye and a black hole. Through this black spots in our eyes light can flow in and thus allows us to create the visual reality as we know it. We are creating a world through our eyes. When you take this idea to the concept of a black hole it gets quite interesting.
  3. The Law of Gender: In this universe everything consists of masculine and feminine energies. When you think a man has only masculine energy and a woman only feminine energy, you are wrong. Everybody has their masculine and feminine side. Some are referring the feminine and the masculine energies to the two hemispheres of the brain: The analytical, calculating left side of the brain which is concerned with logic and the fastest way to get from point A to point B is the masculine aspect. The creative, colorful right side of the brain wich is less concerned with facts and logic, but more with the beauty of the world is the feminine aspect. The heart and the mind have a similar correspondence. As with the feminine and the masculine energies, without the heart the mind wouldn't exist and vice versa. We live in a world where the masculine energies are being more dominant. Look, for example, at the stereotypical description of 'the God': He is a white bearded man sitting on top of a cloud. Even the 'holy trinity' consists of God (a man), the holy ghost (also man), and Jesus Christ. This imbalance has led us to the point where we are today. The planet is being destroyed, raped and tortured. Animals are being kept in unbelievable conditions, either as a tourist attraction or for meat and dairy production. The rainforest, the lungs of the world, are being diminished by 80.000 acres per day. Along with that we are loosing around 135 plant and animal species every day. There would be many more, but the list is too long. It's time to change that. It's time to find the balance again.
  4. The Law of Polarity: Everything has a negative and a positive energy within it, in other words two sides of the same coin. This law is expressed in an ancient sacred symbol, the Yin and Yang. Yin can't exist without Yang and vice versa. This is also true with good and bad or light and darkness. We also see that in Yin is a small portion of Yang and in Yang a small portion of Yin. In everything good there is something bad and vice versa.
    Take the sun for example: She gives us light. Light we need to grow, to flourish, to live. Without light there would be no life possible on earth. But if there is too much or too little sunlight, we and all other life forms on earth will cease to exist. So it is only our perception of a certain event, which makes it good or bad. In fact there is neither good nor bad, because all is one. When you look at Yin and Yang they are also one. They exist in a certain space, I call it consciousness.
    Wouldn't we experience the 'bad' times in our life, we wouldn't appreciate the 'good' ones. It's the same with the four seasons: Without the winter you wouldn't welcoming the summer so much and vice versa. Both are necessary. When there is no death, there would be no birth.
  5. The Law of Vibration: In order to exist you have to move. Everything is in motion, in constant change. Even when you are standing still, the atoms in your body are still moving. We are affected by vibrations and we are emanating them. Words are a powerful tool with understanding of the Law of Vibration. You can destroy a persons life with it or you can help them healing.
    The japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto has created an experiment in which he observed the characteristics of freezing water while talking to it with loving and hateful words. He found out that the impact of these words influenced the shape of the frozen water crystal. When you are interested in his work, visit his 
  6. The Law of Cause and Effect: Many know this principle as 'karma'. It describes the connection between the choice you've made and the inevidable outcome. Who experienced a "coincidence" or "chance" is only failing to see the cause of the effect. There is no coincidence in the universe. The universe makes no failures. Everything happens as it should happen.
    Every decision you make has a momentum. You can't control this momentum, but you can choose to let it flow or to stand in its way. The feeling of losing control makes you first scared and let you suffer, but when you let go of this fear of losing control, you will feel happier and free.
  7. The Law of Rhythm: This principle correlates with the Law of Vibration. Because everything is in motion, it is in a dynamic state of flow. This flow is governed by the Law of Rhythm. All has its perfect timing. Take the seasons for example: They all happen at the perfect time. Winter cannot exist during summer and summer not during winter. Another good example for the principle of rhythm are the four ages, called Yuga. They are describing the cycles through which the world is travelling. In the hinduistic belief these Yugas can explane the current situation on earth and the universe. We are in the Kali Yuga, also known as the Iron Age or the Dark Age. In this Age the people are in total disharmony with nature and the universe. Than there is the Dvapara Yuga (Bronze Age), the Treta Yuga (Silver Age) and the Satya Yuga (Golden Age). Together these cycles last 4.320.000 years. The shortest one, the Kali Yuga lasts 432.000 years, the Dvapara Yuga lasts 864.000 years, the Treta Yuga lasts 1.296.000 years and the Satya Yuga lasts 1.728.000 years. These Ages are governing the universe since beginning of time. There is far more to write about the Yugas, but I will write a more detailed blogpost about it. Maybe one interesting thing more. Compare the cross sums of each of the yugas! What did you find out? Fascinating, isn't it?
    When you can't follow don't worry, I'll explain it to you: 4+3+2+0+0+0 = 9; 8+6+4+0+0+0 = 18 -> 1+8 = 9; 1+2+9+6+0+0+0 = 18 -> 1+8 = 9; 1+7+2+8+0+0+0 = 18 -> 1+8 = 9
    This can't be a coincidence. The universe makes no failures. Maybe you understand it more when you know the meaning of 9 in numerology. The number 9 is the end of the cycle. It's the symbol for completion. 

We are going through a transition. We are evolving into the next stage of consciousness. There are many obstacles in our way, but only through these obstacles we can realize our destinies. Through these 7 laws, we can make wiser decisions which are helping the humanity to wake up. When you are with doubt, observe the next few days if you are seeing one or more of these laws at work. There is a fantastic book about these 7 Hermetic Principles, called Ancient Future. I really recommend this book to everyone, who is interested in ancient knowledge and spirituality.

"Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth." - Buddha


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