7 Amazing Books to Open your Mind



Today I'm going to show you some of the books who changed my view on the world. I don't know when I have begun to enjoy the world of the written word, but it opened me doors I could never have imagined. It's true that the internet gave us almost infinite possibilities to gather information, but still it's no comparison to real books. If you really want to educate yourself and get more knowledge about the truth, the world and in fact everything, there is no way around books. So if you are interested in knowledge and you want to expand your consciousness, go on and take a look at the books I've listed down below.

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/244038873534417737/

Here are 7 Amazing Books to Open your Mind:

  1. Ancient Future:
    Starting with the "Ancient Future" by Wayne B. Chandler, this book opened my mind to the fact that I really don't know anything about the universe and the reality we live in. In "Ancient Future" the author describes the 7 Hermetic Principles that I have wrote about here. Furthermore he gives a picture about how we can use these universal laws in the present day to create a better future. If you were interested in the 7 Hermetic Principles I've wrote about and you want to know more about how this universe works, this book is meant for you. Be aware! "Ancient Future" will eventually lets you see the world in another perspective. 
  2. The Power of Now:
    The Ego is the never-ending stream of thoughts in our heads as Eckhart Tolle describes it in "The Power of Now" and it is this ego which both prevents and makes it possible for us to enter The State of Being or the State of Enlightenment. What was very uncommon compared to other books I've read was the ability to feel the state of consciousness of the author and so the mere reading was like a meditation itself. I can only describe the feeling I've had while reading this book with the words of deep peace and presence. 
  3. A New Earth:
    Like the beautiful and colorful flowers who have emerged out of the monotonous green plant kingdom, our Inner Self also emerges out of this destructive illness called the Ego. Eckhart Tolle gives a vision of how we could enter the next evolutionary state of consciousness in a constructive way by working with the present moment and not against it. By reading it I felt a sense of hope and it brought up the desire in me to do something to change this destructive world. Also like in "The Power of Now" the feeling of deep peace was present while reading "A New Earth".
    Most of us are unaware about the future and maybe concerned about a possible Third World War. For all of you who are thinking this way, give your worries a rest and read this book. At the very least it will give you some peace I'll promise you.  
  4. Be Here Now:
    The core meaning of "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass is the same as in "The Power of Now", but with more of a psychedelic and artistic touch. As Ram Dass describes it, only the Here and Now is the end of suffering and the only through the Here and Now we can enter into different dimensions. Probably many of you are bothered by the boring way almost all books are written. All in a strict way according to the rules, with no sign of an artistic outburst. It's not unusual therefore that you have no interest in reading anything. For this reason (which is only my opinion) Ram Dass has created something every open-minded and artistic person will devour with pleasure. If you don't trust me ask Steve Jobs. Besides LSD this book was the main reason for the creation of Apple.
  5. Siddharta:
    This little novel tells the story of a guy named Siddharta who is in search for something he don't quite know. He is looking and looking and even as he finds himself in front of the Buddha, he couldn't find it. This book by Hermann Hesse will touch most of you, who are also on the journey to find this what stays unspoken. Also it is very short and so therefore encouraging for everyone who is scared away by the frustrating thickness of most of the published books. 
  6. Brave New World:
    Aldous Huxley created a dystopia in "Brave New World" in which people are being cloned to create a stable and ongoing economy. To get this needed stability the people in this utopia get normed so they enjoy working and are happy through the help of the drug soma. This is a must-read for everyone who is aware of the erroneous system we live in and the danger it represents for the earth and humanity. When you consider that this book is written in the 1920s, it's far more shocking because even then people where aware of what might evolve out of this destructive system. 
  7. The Alchemist:
    I have to commit that this was the only book I've read twice. This wonderful novel about a shepherd boy who follows his dream gives you goosebumps. It's so compelling and fascinating that you can't put the book away. It shackles you until the last site. The fact you don't know "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is already a reason to read it and dwell in the miracles of the universe. 

At the beginning of our spiritual journey we get so overwhelmed by the sheer variety of books concerning spirituality and spiritual growth, so that it's very hard for us to decide which book to read. To make it easier for you to start your spiritual journey I have created this list. I hope you enjoy reading the one or the other book. I know everybody is different and so open-mindedness can be defined very differently. But nevertheless I'm really interested if you choose to read or already have read one of the books I mentioned. 

"The more you read, the more you know, the more places you'll go" - Dr. Seuss


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