Happiness Over Time


We value time over happiness. Our society has been build around punctuality, productivity and efficiency. All of these points are linked to time. We also could say our society is build around time or more exactly about the lack of time. How often have you heard or even said it yourself: "I don't have time for this."?

This importance on being in time has lead us to a race which will never ends. It's like the hamster running in his wheel faster and faster, because they only thing he can think of is not having enough time. Do you see the dysfunction in this behaviour? Where is the hamster going? Nowhere! Where are we going? Nowhere!

Now what about happiness? You see when you are running away from you, you also run away from your happiness. Happiness won't be found in the illusionary future or past. The only place and time happiness exists is Now.

Yet many of us are still so entrenched in this false belief that they HAVE to do something. In our society doing is more important than being. But, are we Human Beings or Human Doings? Just think about that one moment and realise that you already are what you want to be.

Breathing for example is a perfect exercise to settle into the present moment. Just watch your breathing and shift your awareness in your stomach. Count your breaths until ten and then observe for yourself how you feel and how you felt before the exercise.

There is no way to Enlightenment. Enlightenment is the Way.


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