Why Hate Never Solves Any Problems?


When we see the catastrophes around the world and the unfairness which be put on to people all over the planet, we often feel this uncontrollable anger in our body. It spreads like a wave of chaotic energies.

However this anger, this pain won't help anyone or anything. The only thing this emotions do is to create disharmony and pain in our body.

Buddha said "When you are angry, you are drinking poison with the hope the other person dies."

Why do I tell you this stuff? Well...

We are Souls with a lot of power and the ability to change whatever we want. When we see our purpose as a fight or a battle against the unawakened one, we also are just like them.

Our purpose is to live with love and compassion, with acceptance and tolerance. Never in history hate solved any problems for long. The end of the first war was just the starting point of the second.

This hate those people felt only continued and took millions of victims. Hate is like a virus who takes over when you loose control and lets you do things which you would never even consider doing.

Therefore we have to be weak. Let go the false belief to be strong. Even the strongest branch can't withstand a storm. Even the hardest rock can't be shaped by the stream of water.

Let the softness in your heart fill the space of the people around. Nurture them with love and peace. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Teach them how to breathe. Show them how they can remain calm and see the dysfunction in their behaviour. Let them hear the teachings of the Enlightened Ones, like Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Ram Dass, Buddha, Jesus and many more.

Be here for them.


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