The Awakening


It was a sunny Saturday morning in February. Everything looked so beautiful and the light had such a wonderful quality to it. There was something different on that day. It was all so magical and beyond what I normally felt.

I was sitting on my bed reading the best seller from Daniel Kahnemann, "Thinking Fast and Slow", while listening to some beautiful classical music. I don't know why but every time I hear this kind of music I feel so blissful and joyful.
On this morning everything added up to a wonderful stream of bliss and carelessness. I couldn't even continue reading because this moment was so wonderful. I listened to the wonderful notes of Mozart. I watched how the sun shed her beautiful light on the tree in front of my house. I heard the birds singing their amazing songs. I felt the comfort and warmth of my bed which the sun has heated up. All felt so immanent, so clear, so blissful. 

As I continued to read on I had this intuitive feeling that I should close my eyes and just listen to the classical music. This meditation began very spontaneous and had a quality to it that was filled with delight and joy. Sitting there I was aware of many things and my thoughts were very playful. I thought about a lot of things but the music always pulled me back into the present moment and so I stayed there in the joy of this moment.

During the meditation I remembered about a chakra light meditation I did a while ago. I focused my awareness on the first chakra, the Muladhara and began to visualize a strong red energy ball emerging at the end of my spine. With each breath this energy ball got bigger and bigger and I felt this red light flowing through my whole body. After a while I moved on to the next chakra and in this manner I went through all the seven main chakras in my body. I didn't realise how long it took but at the end of the seventh chakra I felt so much peace and my mind was empty. There were little to almost no thoughts. It was such a wonderful feeling. I felt like I could stay here forever, but at this time I felt my back a bit hurting and my intuition telling me it's time to wake up and so I started to come out of this mediation session. I clearly can remember that on this day my whole perception changed and everything I saw was like energy floating around in space. I even had written it down. 

"I am not yet fully conscious at this moment. Just recently I have meditated and I have opened the 7 Chakras. It was a really strong spiritual feeling. How long I was gone, I don't know. Time wasn't important. 
As I opened my eyes, I felt like being in a higher state of consciousness. Peace spread out inside me. I have found the balance in me. Everything still feels a bit more intense than usual. It feels like everything flows like a river, that everything happens in the moment. I feel the energy in me and around me." - Journal Entry, 20.02.2016

This was the first moment where I realised Enlightenment. It was the beginning of a journey. A journey which still continues on and on which I learned so much about myself and the world. I began to shift my awareness more towards spirituality and into my body. All the question about life I had as a child know seemed so much clearer, so close to touch. Not long after that I found my first mentor, Eckhart Tolle, as I have read his book "The Power of Now". 2016 was for me the year of change. Everyone who knew me told me that they have seen a transformation in me and I as well had this strong feeling wich confirmed it. 

This story is just a story of many others. I am not special because of this. I am only proof that the world is waking up and that it won't take long that humanity will realise itself. As you also may see is that it rather happens spontaneously and without intent. It is the awareness in you which comes through you. Because awareness is spaceless and timeless, it knows no time nor space. Therefore you cannot set up a date where you wake up. It happens when it should happen. It's like the metamorphosis of the butterfly. It just happens.


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