A Short Overview about Crystals



in this post I want to talk about Crystals. Crystals are very important on the spiritual journey and they can help us immensely to grow as a spiritual being, so that I've decided to make this post. Some of you already heard about the healing powers of Crystals and maybe you even use them already. For all of you who don't know about crystals or want to learn more, I'll welcome you to this post.

Amethyst / Source: shutterstock

What are Crystals?

According to Wikipedia "a crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituents (such as atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions."

But because you probably won't fully understand that explanation, I try to simplify it for you a little bit: So, a crystals surface shows smooth and geomatrically correct planes. They are ordered in such a way that it appears that the crystal is made by something with a high intelligence.

The journey of a crystals begins deep down below the earth's surface. There liquid magma from the earths center is accumulating in holes found in the bedrock. The pressure in this chamber and the hot temperature of the magma forces it into an oversaturated state. In this state the molecules of the magma begin to order themselves anew in a structured form around a crystals seedling. These seedling now begins to grow and eventually after a couple hundred or even thousand years a new crystal will be born.

Crystals and Spirituality

On a spiritual level crystals are living beings. Unlike plants or human beings they exist on the first dimension of this universe. They are emanating a certain frequency which coincides with their coherent pattern. When you are very sensitive enough, you can feel the vibration of a crystal when you are close to it.

In the universe everything wants to be in balance, unison and ease. Whenever something is in balance it will emanate a harmonious and peaceful frequency. Ever looked at a stack of stones and felt this peace within you?

When we are healthy, every cell in our body vibrates at a very high and harmonious frequency. However, it is possible that we can become unbalanced, through stress, noise, or any other "civiliced" disorder. In these cases we can use crystals to bring us back into a more balanced state of consciousness.

How do Crystals work? 

In fact, there is no scientific evidence of the healing properties of crystals. However there is plenty of proof out there, which shows that crystals can help us in the healing process. If you are in doubt, I have an interesting exercise for you later in this post.

When we put a crystal in our hand we may be are able to sense its frequency. What you feel is the transition between the crystals frequency and your own. This also works on other parts of the body. For example you can lay a crystal on each of the chakra points of your body. This will help you cleanse your chakras and afterwards let the energy through and in the chakras flow more freely.

Chakra Healing with Crystals / Source: http://www.energymuse.com/blog/chakra-healing-crystals/
Crystals and Chakras

So you now may know that for each of the chakras you will find one (or more) specific crystal(s). The color of this crystal gives you information about its characteristics and to which chakra it is assigned to.

A red crystal, like a red jasper for example, helps you ground yourself or overcome anxiety and fear. With some basic knowledge about the chakras, it's much easier for you to find the right crystal. If  you want to know more about chakras, go to this post here.

Down below I have a list for you in which every chakra is briefly explained again and which crystals are suited for this specific chakra:

A little exercise for you

Before you click away, I want to give you a little exercise.

You obviously will need a crystal for this exercise, so if you already have one this is great. If not visit your favorite tea shop or look in the old stuff of your mother or grandma. They usually have things like crystals hidden somewhere.

Now when you have a crystal by hand, I want you to carry this crystal with you for a whole month. Put it into your pocket and keep only this crystal in their. In that way you can take advantage of all the benefits which come with this crystal without mixing it up with other crystals powers.

With the end of the month reflect back on how you have felt during this 30 days and maybe how you have changed. Afterwards, do some research on the internet and find out what specific characteristics your crystal has.

Even if you are a non-believer and a very closed-minded person, I promise you that you will be amazed by what you will find out.

„Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation." - Nikola Tesla


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