3 Tips to Increase your Frequency



Today I want to talk about how you can increase your frequency with 3 simple steps. First however you should know the basic principle of frequency.

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unity-consciousness-colours-sound-light-energy-frequency-dk-matai

Everything that exists is energy vibrating at a different frequency. The scale of this frequency determines how spiritual or alive something is. Take for example a stone. A stone is basically a non-living being without any spiritual meaning to it. Therefore it vibrates on a very low frequency. On the other hand a plant is a living-being and even has a spiritual menaing to it. That's why plants vibrate at a much higher frequency.

In addition to this, higher vibrational beings can shift their frequency. This means, that in whatever frequency the environment vibrates (negative or positive) the being will adjust itself to.
We as humans even has the ability to change our frequency by our own will. We don't depend on the outer reality to be in a positive state of mind. You can see this in countries like India or Tibet where people are very poor, but yet radiate positivity and peace.

The different levels of frequency we can attain are most of the time called Chakras. These energy centers are like gateways for us, that lead us to a higher state of frequency. To raise your frequency you can either open your chakras (which will take some time) or you can also use one of these 3 tips I have for you to increase your frequency (wich will take much less time).

  1. Nature:
    When you go out into Nature, you calm down your mind. Nature will help you to heal yourself. Not only does your body get more fresh oxygen, but it also grounds itself again. To be grounded is an important step to increase your frequency. Without a solid foundation, working with your higher chakras can be rather destructive than helpful.
  2. Healthy Diet: What you eat determines your health, not just physically but mentally as well. Filling your body with junk food won't give you the vitamins and minerals you need to be at your best. Fruits and vegetables on the other side provide plenty of these micronutrients and so are helping your body to heal and to increase your frequency.
  3. Meditation: Being a prisoner of your own mind keeps you in a state of negativity and ignorance. Being in a state of Meditation on the other hand fills your body with light and high vibrational energy. It reduces your mind activity and slows down your heart rate. This signals your body that everything is fine and lets the body relax. Like in deep sleep your body starts to heal itself. Furthermore you are raising your energy from the lower chakras to the higher ones.

There are many other methods out there which will probably work better and faster, but these are the tips I use. At first it will be hard, however when you start doing these things consistently there will be a shift in your frequency. Just visualize your frequency increasing while you do these things. 

"If you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequeny and vibration." - Nikola Tesla


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