3 Stages to Level Zero - Meditation Technique



Today I want to talk about a technique I've recently remembered. I've come across this method while watching one of Eckhart Tolle's speaches. There a psychologist explained how she is using this technique to help their patients to quieten their minds. The method is fairly simple but yet very effective.

Source: http://www.mindvalleyacademy.com/blog/mind/guided-20-minute-meditations

Here is how the 3-Stages-to-Level-Zero-Technique works:

  1. Imagine yourself entering an elevator. You and the elevator are on the second floor, where your mind is. As you enter the elevator take three deep breaths and on the third outbreath you move one level down. 
  2. On the way down to the first floor you feel how your mind becomes more and more relaxed. The first floor is where your throat is. There you remain again for three deep breaths. You are also aware that there isn't as much stress as there was in the first floor. On the third outbreath you move down to level zero.
  3. Now you are in the stomach area, on level zero. Down here your mind is very quiet and your body is relaxed. You feel this wonderful groundedness and peace here. Once you've took three deep breaths, you can stay here or go on with your own meditation technique.

As I've said it's very simple, but in the case of emergency it's really helpful. I'm using this method whenever I want to quieten my mind during a meditation. It always gets me in a very grounded and peaceful state. 


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