

Source: https://www.holistic-therapy-sd.com/blog/2017/5/21/meditation-101
Mindfulness is the state of non-thinking. A state in which you aware of your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions and your body's energy without any judgement. You're not in the past, not in the future, but in the here and now. A feeling of deep peace and bliss is flowing through your body. There is nothing important to do. You just enjoy yourself being you.

In today's society we are constantly running towards a non-existent future and away from an unpleasant past. This restlessness has lead to a dysfunctional community as you see it around the world. The people have forgotten to pay attention to what really matters. They're focusing on things they want to achieve or get in the future. They're regreting their mistakes they made in the past. They're never at ease. 

The Buddha, Jesus and many other spiritual teachers already have tried to taught us how we can be in this state of consciousness. Their message was all about living in the here and now, living with love and compassion, without judgement and fear. In the past only a fraction of the population has understood this wisdom. Today more and more human beings are beginning to wake up.

I have experienced how destructive the mind can be. There were a lot of negative thoughts going through my head. They have let me to believe that I am just what they've told me. I was under control by these thoughts. I didn't enjoy life anymore. It felt like a dark cave without an exit. And then the light apparead and the shift came. 
About a year and a half ago I've started leaving this dark cave. I've returned to my Self. The things which didn't serve me anymore left and more opportunities started to show up. I've started to meditate every day. I turned into a new human being you could say. I've become more aware of my feelings, of my thoughts and my emotions. I was able to listen to my body more clearly. Now I had the power to choose. This changed my life, because only in the presence of the here and now the mind is at rest and one can be happy and at peace.

I'm writing this post to show you that you don't have to be a prisoner of your own mind. Your life shouldn't be nightmare. It should be full of joy and happiness, of peace and bliss. Go out and just realize for a moment how wonderful nature is. Feel the fresh air filling your lungs. Become aware of your breath and just be. 
You don't have to worry about a thing. All the things which are coming into your life are transient. They will vanish eventually, like you, this planet and even the universe. Nothing important is eternal. Important is "no-thing", because out of the Void, which I essentially am (and you, and all of creation), every form manifests.

"Be here now" - Ram Dass


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