5 Signs You are Highly Awake



Do you feel this urge in you...this intense desire to break out of whatever holds you back? Do you feel weird in the place you are in or do you feel not at home at all? Do you feel misunderstood by other people? Do feel that you have a special purpose in life? That you are here for a reason? Do you have a strong connection with your Higher Self?  Are you shocked when you see the society in which we live in?Well, if some of these question correspond with you, this could be a lucky day for you. But first of all...

What means "Highly Awake"?

This term which is widely used in New Age Spirituality describes a certain state of consciousness. In this state you are more in touch with your Higher Self. It lets you see certain situation in a broader light and helps you to make the right decisions. Most of the world currently is still in "deep sleep". So people like you are going to be needed to help the rest of humanity to wake up. You have the potential to do so otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.

Here is a list of 5 Signs that you are Highly Awake:

  1. Feeling misunderstood:Many times when you tell people something you think is totally normal, they just look at you with this certain look. They don't understand what you say. The awareness in them is not yet so present to acknowledge new ideas and see them openly and with acceptance. 
  2. Strong intuition:Do you feel it often, this crumbling feeling in your stomach? Or this deep and unexplainable knowledge that it is the right decision? This is your intuition. You always had and still have a strong connection with it. Rather than to trust logic, you follow your gut feeling. You flow with life so to say. 
  3. Yearning for solitude: Maybe it's unconscious to you, but you love being alone. During this time you feel so alive and blissfull. Everything seems so clear and logical. There are even times when you are going into deep thinking. This helps you to find solutions for some problems you have.
  4. Strong urge to help humanity:
    You want to change the world. Maybe even as a child you have felt this desire to help others. It's like written in your DNA. You value the needs of others higher than yours. And when you help them, you feel like you have helped yourself. It's such a satisfying feeling.
  5. Very sensitive and empathetic: 
    Even as a little kid you have behaved differently. You had this strong impulses of anger and anxiety. It all has overwhelmed you and you have lost your nerves. Nowadays you are still very sensitive. You feel the subtle differences in the room when one is angry or lying. It's like you have a 6th sense.

I hope I could help you with these 5 signs. Not everyone is the same so also not all 5 signs can be correct. It also can be that none of these signs is true although you are "Highly Awake". Don't worry to much about what I or others say. If it is true you know it deep down for yourself, trust me. 

"The awakening of humanity is the next evolutionary step of mankind." - Eckhart Tolle


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