5 Tips On The Law Of Attraction



I apologize for being so absent lately, but now I'm back with some tips on the Law of Attraction.

I've wrote about the Law of Attraction already in a previous post. There I've described the way it works and how you can use it. Now I'm giving you some tips to enhance your Manfistation game.

Tip #1: Make a Gratitude List

As long as you are not grateful for what you already have, you won't be attracting what you want.

On a logical standpoint it's the feeling of gratitude, the feeling of already having something, which is making this point so important. On the spiritual level it's the honoring of the little things, the recognition of the beauty around you.

To begin with your Gratitude List, write down 3-5 things you are grateful for every morning. Even if they are just as simple as food or sleep, write them down. After some time you will notice how your thinking and your mood changes.

Tip #2: Focus on the Law of Attraction

The more you are focusing on the Law of Attraction, the more it will be present in your life. Look for other blog posts or YouTube videos about the LoA. Read a book about it or watch movies like "The Secret".

Tip #3: Have related Objects around you

Keep objects of the same kind you want to attract around you. This will help you to get in the mode of already having it.

For example, if you want to be successfull, wear an expensive watch or have a gadget like an Iphone around you. Or another good example is manifesting a relationship into your life. Just do the things, like watching a movie, going to the cinema or cooking for two, as if you already have this certain relationship.

Tip #4: Visualisation

We could argue if we should name it Visualization or Visualisation, but the point is that it influences your LoA game dramatically. Our subconscious mind works with images and feelings rather than with thoughts. Therefore it's so important to becoming a master in Visualisation. The more detailed and the more realistic your visualisation gets, the quicker and more effective the Law of Attraction is going to help you.

Tip #5: Live-As-If

This is for me the far most important tip on this list. When you are start living as if you already have what you desire, you really change the game.

Just imagine you would be successfull. What would you do? Watching useless videos on YouTube? Going to bed past midnight? Waking up around 12:00 pm? I guess you won't do these kind of things. You would rather watch educating videos on YouTube and you would go to bed early so that you would get up early in the morning. 

So do the things you would do if you are successful or in a relationship or working on something you love. I promise you, you will be surprised by how quickly those things show up in your life.

I hope these 5 Tips help you to attract the things you want faster and more efficient into your life. I myself just changed my of thinking about the Law of Attraction by being more positive and this really changed it. Just be open-minded  and have faith in yourself. 

"What we think, we become." - Buddha


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