The Aura and How to Read It



I'm sure almost all of you have heard something about auras. For those who don't know, it's an energetic field which surrounds every-thing in the universe. Through this field we interact with the world around us. It attracts corresponding vibes which we are consciously or unconsciously emanate.

In New-Age terms the aura is an energy field around a being (also non-living beings). This energy field has multiple layers of different frequencies. The denser frequencies are closer to the body than the less dense frequencies. They are flowing like a river around you. Sometimes there are more low (dense) frequencies present and sometimes there are more high (less dense) frequencies. This depends on your current mood and your overall enegertic state. If you are strongly connected with the material world, your aura will show more of the lower frequencies. The opposite is true when you are a very light-headed person, then you have more of the higher frequencies. 

The frequencies of your aura are corresponding to the colors of the rainbow. Red, for example, is a very strong color. It represents the Earth and your connection with it. The frequency of this color is very low. On the other end of the rope you have the color purple wich is also a very strong color but represents the freedom of this physical reality and enlightenment. In between these two colors you will find the rest of the rainbow. All together they make up a whole. And because you are also whole in your being you too have all colors in your energy field.


  1. Become still:Take a few deep breaths into your stomach. Be aware of the energy flowing through your body while you inhale and the feeling of release while you exhale. Do this for a few minutes before you begin with your aura reading. 
  2. Look at the other being:
    Focus your seight between the eyebrows of the other being where the sixth chakra sits. Observe the other being with all your attention. Take a look at the movements, the behaviour, the characteristics and so on. Try to look it into the eyes. Remember...the eyes are the doorway to the soul. 
  3. Connect with the other being:
    Find yourself in the other being until it's not an "other" being anymore. Become one with it. At first this can be very daunting for both of you. If you can't do it yet, don't worry. The time will come when you are ready.
  4. Ask yourself "Which color represents it the be most?":
    If you haven't already felt its "color" or aura, ask yourself this question until you get a solid answer. If you are not sure yet, than the answer will probably be wrong. 
  5. Take the color which comes up first:
    If there are multiple colors coming up then choose the first one. This will be the answer coming from your intuition. 
  6. Find the meaning of this color:
    After you have recieved your answer you can look up the meaning of this color either inside you or outside you in the form of the Internet or a book.
  7. Be grateful for meeting this being:
    Before you go on with your life, take a second and thank the universe or whatever you like, for meeting and connecting with this being. This will show the universe that you have good intentions and so will help you togo further on your way,


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