How To Open Your Third Eye



many of you probably already heard about the Third Eye. The Third Eye is actually just another name for the 6th Sense or the 6th Chakra, the Ajna Chakra. It is the seed of our intuition. Some people have a very open Third Eye since their birth. These children are called Indigo Children, because they have an indigo aura around their bodies, according to Nancy Ann Tappe. In the chakra system the color indigo is corresponding with the 6th Chakra or the Third Eye.

I believe that most of you are excited when they hear what amazing things one can do with an opened Third Eye, but I'm sorry I won't talk about them here. These are just another forms the ego identifies with and so keep you asleep. Through opening your Third Eye you will see the light of consciousness shining in you. When you 'reach' (you can not actually reach it, because you're already here) Enlightenment or the formless dimension of being, you will realize that no psychic power or supernatural ability can give you freedom. Only the detachment from thought will do so.

Here are 5 Things you can do to Open Your Third Eye:

  1. Stop watching TV:
    Through watching TV you lose your connection to your inner dimension. The television changes your vibrational state so that you are more susceptible to absorb information without knowing it. It also shows a lot of violence and ignorance, which keep you in an unconscious state. In my personal experience not watching TV anymore expanded my view of life. It was like waking up after a deep sleep and seeing all the colors more brilliantly afterwards.
  2. Avoid fluorid:
    Fluorid can mainly be found in tooth paste and in some regions of the world even in tap water. It calcifies the pineal gland, which is very strongly connected to the Third Eye. The pineal gland is also known as the center of consciousness and the place where dreaming is happening. When the pineal gland gets calcified it won't work properly. It's then like a rusty door which one can hardly move. To decalcify it, buy a toothpaste without fluorid in it and if you're tap water is contaminated, use bottled water and drink it out of a copper cup. This will re-awaken the water and its healing properties. 
  3. Meditate:
    Meditation not only helps you to open your Third Eye, but also to find the peace within you. Our society is in a constant stress situation with no way out of it. So it's important for planet earth and our evolution as human beings to stop running from this place to that place to find happiness and instead turning inside and realize what true happiness really is. If you are interested in listening to a guided meditation on opening your Third Eye, feel free to listen to this one here
  4. Listen to your gut feeling:
    Many times our gut feeling has prevented us from unwanted situations or wrong decisions. In fact intuition is nothing more than to listen to ones gut feeling. When you are able to shift your attention from your head into your body, you can listen to it and respond accordingly. Try to listen as often as you can to your gut feeling. This allows your intuition to come forth and thus enables you to open your Third Eye.
  5. Listen to spiritual teachers:
    A good advice is to listen to spiritual teachers or reading their books. Not only have they a lot of wisdom concerning the way out of suffering and the ego, but they also emanate an enlightened frequency. If you are aware enough you will feel their consciousness and so only through listening or reading you will move into the present moment. This may not open your Third Eye, but eventually will let you realize that the Third Eye is in fact only an illusion. 

If you're tasting the essence of Being, the present moment, you will inevitable realize that no-thing and no form in this physical world will give you freedom. You may think, when I open my Third Eye I will find peace, but you won't. Only through the Now, the I Am-ness you can experience freedom. The Third Eye is in itself not more than a thought form. It's true that you can do amazing things with it, but none of them will make you happy. The ego always wants more and more and more. It will never finds itself satisfied and thus creates suffering for you and for others. Buddha and Christ are no superhuman beings. They just have realized that to become free from suffering, you just have to be. Not to be anyone or anything, but to just be. 

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment." - Lao Tzu


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