Lucid Dreaming - How To Do It



You probably all have had a really vivid and realistic dream during one night in your life. These dreams seemed so real that you can't tell the difference if it really has happened in your life or if you only dreamed about it. Or maybe you experienced that you woke up with a smile on your face, because you've had such a beautiful dream. The point I want to make is that dreams arent't only some mind created stories...they are real! Even our ancestors knew that and used those dreams to communicate with their spirit guides and deceased ones. They've had access to an infinite source of wisdom by becoming lucid in their dreams. So, do I have now catched your interest? Yes? Ok, then I will show you how you can open the door to infinite possibilities, the door to the realm of Lucid Dreaming. 


What is Lucid Dreaming?

The general definition of Lucid Dreaming is that you can consciously observe and/or control your dream. This happens when you enter an altered state of consciousness, where you become aware in your dream that you are dreaming. The brain then thinks you're awake and switches into waking mode. In the Lucid Dream you'll find yourself in an alternative reality, a reality existing in the Astral Plane where sounds, visuals, feelings, tastes and even smells are as authentic as in real life.
To calm you down, Lucid Dreaming is not at all dangerous. Your physical body always lays asleep in your bed and your astral body can't be destroyed. The Astral Plane is also the dimension where out-of-body- and near-death-experiences are happening.

Lucid Dreaming has already been used thousands of years ago by the Tibetan Monks to practice dream yoga. It is said that the Tibetan Dream Yoga is the original form of Lucid Dreaming. The ultimate goal in the Tibetan Dream Yoga is to apprehend the dream and then dissolve the dream state. By letting go of the physical and conceptual stimulus of the dream mind, we can observe the purest form of conscious awareness.

According to Robert Waggoner, who wrote the book "Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self", the dreamer himself does not create the dream but merely is a part of it. This brings the question up "Who creates the dream?". At a very high level of Lucid Dreaming you are able to transcend the dream state, like in the Tibetan Dream Yoga, and observe that what created the dream. But to not overwhelm you with too much information, I'll show you now some techniques you can use to become lucid in your dreams.

How To Do It

  1. Start a Dream Journal:
    First of all you have to remember your dreams and with that show your subconscious mind that your dreams are important to you. This can easily be achieved by writing one of your dreams you've had into a dream journal every morning. Try to include as many details as possible, such as sensations, feelings, and people you've met. At first it's really hard, because you don't know how much and what you should write, but you will get used to it.
  2. Do Reality Checks: 
    Reality Checks help you to distinguish between reality and the dream world. These are daily checks you make while you are awake to assure yourself that you are not dreaming. Some of these Reality Checks can be counting your fingers on each hand, trying to push your finger through the palm of the other hand, watching the clock or picking your nose and trying to breathe in. Choose one of these Reality Checks and do them at least 10 times a day, so you get used to do them in your dreams as well. When you do them in your dream you will see that they don't work and so you'll become lucid. 
  3. Mindful Meditation:
    It's important to become aware of what's happening in your dream. When you see a cow standing in your kitchen while you are dreaming and you have little awareness about what's going on around you, this cow will seem very normal to you.
    You enhance your awareness of your dream environment by enhancing your self-awareness in your waking life. This can be achieved by doing a mindful meditation every day. It's less important how long you meditate, but far more important how often you do it. It's better to meditate 5 minutes every day, than meditating an hour only once a week. The key to success is consistency.
  4. Wake up at 4 o'clock:
    Set your alarm for 4 am. After you woke up try not to fell asleep again immediately. Instead go drink a glass of water, read something, draw something or just go to the toilet. Be awake for at least 10 minutes before you go to bed again. During this time most of our dreams are happening and so it's easier for us to enter a dream awake and therefore become lucid. This technique is also called WILD technique, Waked Induced Lucid Dreaming technique. 

In my opinion dreams are as important as our physical reality. When you can become aware in your dream, you can get answers you would never get in the waking life. So it's a really helpful tool when you are on the spiritual journey, because you will get to a point where no one, not even the Buddha or any other spiritual teacher can give you the answer. Then you have to trust the Universe that it will bring you that what you need to make a step closer to your greatest version.

"I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man." - Zhuangzi


I used the information from the following website and I am deeply grateful for that:

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