A Vegan Approach
About three weeks ago I went vegan, because of the unjust we project on helpless animals. For me it's normal to see animals and plants as what they are, living beings. Not so most of the people I know. For them, we, the human species, is the most evolved and most sophisticated species on earth, so therefor we can do with the planet and its inhabitants everything we want. We don't care if our children will live a miserable life, because of our greed and egoistic behaviour. Many of the ancient cultures knew that we have to live with the earth not from it or her. These cultures have seen the world as their big mother, who nurtures, protects and gives us a place to live. Some called her Gaia. Maybe you know the name Gaia from the greek mythology as the goddess of the earth, the mother of all creation. But a lot of the wisdom from ancient times got lost. Nowadays we honor a grumpy old man, who lives in the clouds. We have lost our connection to our planet, we have lost our roots. So it's not strange that we kill animals for our pleasure or that we lumber the rainforests, the lungs of our world. I could go on, but complaining won't help anybody. So instead of going the way of resistance, we should go the way of acceptance. Only through acceptance of the currently situation, we can change the situation in the future. Acceptance doesn't mean to eat what you want and say "I know eating meat isn't correct". Acceptance means to go into you and to be honest with ourself, brutally honest. Don't play down things in your head which are important. Without the truth we will not know what love means. So how to accept that the world is being destroyed by our input?
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Source: http://www.roxeterawr.com/2015/10/why-ive-decided-to-go-vegan.html |
See it as it is. Don't judge it and don't judge you. Most of the time you won't judge yourself by doing something you feel is ok and because you don't want to change, it's normal for you. It's not something bad or something that make you responsible for what happens to the earth and it's residents. But if you have stepped out of the egoic view and are concerned about what's going on, the human mind likes to make itself a victim. But don't worry, you have no fault. We all stood at the beginning and didn't know what to do and we all made mistakes. This mistakes though let you grow, grow into the best version you can be.
If you're a meat eater or a vegetarian you can do this. Get yourself in a comfortable place, a chair or crossed legged on the floor, than breath in deeply for three times to clear your mind. It helps if you are familiar with being still and better when you already do meditation. But if not, don't worry, I will make a post about meditation soon. So now think of your steak or your scrambled eggs you ate in the morning and go backwards with them from where they are come from. We take as a example the eggs you like in the morning. Rewind making the eggs, getting them out of the fridge, buying them in the shop and now you have a black spot. You probably don't know where you're eggs came from, right? Now think a moment of the fact that you are unaware of the origin of your meal. Ask yourself why you don't know this and why you never thought about it. If we go further let's imagine a truck delivering the eggs to the supermarket. Rewind this step too until you are at the chicken farm. Now try to use your feelings, your gut feeling, to either decide if the chicken have a good life on the farm or if they are caged in and have no space to walk or they are crowded together and are seeing the sunlight only once in a day or worse, never. Take a picture what you feel suites the situation the best and try to see the world for a moment in the chickens eyes. What do you feel? Do you feel free and happy? Focus on the feelings you get, notice the negative emotions, which the chicken is having because of the suffering. Probably you didn't know that your negative emotions are altering every single cell of your body. It's the same with the chicken and also the egg it lays, because the egg is made out of the cells of the suffered chicken. Now go back to when you prepared your meal. See yourself looking at the pan with the scrambled eggs. Do you see there a yummy meal or do you see the pain of the animal, who got tortured and enslaved for the wellbeing of us humans? Breath in three more times and slowly open your eyes. You can do the same with your steak or whatever you want. Before you do this meditation, ground yourself. This will protect you in case of unwanted negative feelings, but if you feel a deep unwellbeing, please keep calm. You have no fault. In fact none of us has fault. It's the time we live in, the hindu call it that Kali Yuga, the Dark Age. In this time we have lost connection to the earth and are suffering from our behaviour. But this topic is for another time.
So I hope I could help you and please let me know if there is anything you want to know.
Namaste my friends and until the next time,
Rabu Dam
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