Universal Knowledge


The universe is a miracle. Every being, every plant even the tiniest piece of sand has it's place. Nothing is random. There are more suns than all grains of sand on the earth together, but in one grain of sand are more atoms than all suns in the galaxy. It's so amazing. This intelligence which created this magnificent cosmos has more knowledge than every book in the world and more wisdom than every wise man. But the truly unbelievable thing is that this intelligence is in all of us, in every animal, every human, every plant, in everything. It's the formless dimension, where is no time, no space, no sound, "no thing". It's the dimension where the universe was born and will die, where sounds are born and die, where matter is born and ceases, where time beginns and ends. Only a handful of men and women have reached this dimension, this state. This people were bringing love, peace and harmony. Through their teachings religions have manifested. Many people have followed their teachings, their images but tried to reach the timeless dimension through the mind, the allways thinking and egoic mind. This was the cause why you woun't find peace in these religions. To find peace there is only one way.

The way is the Now, the present moment.

Within the present moment their is Being. You can become present by focusing on your breathing. Looking at one thing without judgement, without identifying with it. Look at something but don't think about, don't analyse it, just let the awarness behind the mind experience it. You will see things totally different. Another way is to listen to your surroundings without any concept, any mental image. Just observe the sounds. The sounds will get clearer when you the mind chattering stops of your ego stops. This exercises will help you to become present in the present moment. 

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