

Hi guys 

I've been wondering what can I do to build a better world. I mean there are plenty people out there, who do their part to make a change. They all have the same goal, the same vision. I look up to them, because they achieved something. The people listen to them. They are like the little light of hope in the darkness. They also inspire me. They inspire me to find my purpose, my destiny in the universe. The thing is that when you look for something that you already have, you won't find it. Many waste their whole life to seek happiness. But what they don't understand is that you only attract what you feel. When you look for happiness, you feel that you miss something, that their is something empty in you. So what you attract is then only emptiness. 

You already have everything in you. Like the seed of the tree has all the information of the tree inside, you too have everything in you. We are seeds looking to get out of the dirt. A shift is happening. People are beginning to live and eat healthier. You are what you eat is literally the truth. All the food which you eat turns into energy and into material for the cells in your body. 

So now what's your purpose or my purpose? Our purpose as a collective humanity is to build a new earth. A world in which every living being lives freely and where is everyone respected the same. Where there are no corrupt companies or false politicians. 
The individual purpose is to first find their inner purpose. The inner purpose is to know thyself, to look in you, to connect with your inner self. The outer purpose is secondary. When you find peace all things fall in place. 

My goal is to wake you, the people, up. To let you know that there is more to life then going to school, getting a job, a wife, a family and than working until you die. I want you to awe like you were s child, when you learned something new.
Today is another day. Another day in which we, as a community, can decide to make a little step in the right direction or to swim with the mass into our decline. 

Love and Peace to all of you ❤️

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