The Chakras
Today I want to talk about chakras. This is for those, who know nothing about them and those who want to refresh their knowledge.
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A living being, like a human has many so called energy centers in his or her body. This energy centers are known since ancient times and are used in chinese healing technics such as acupuncture and acupressure. There are many minor energy pools, but only few major energy centers. These major energy center are called chakras. The word chakra is sanskrit and means 'wheel'.
But how can a pool be a wheel you may ask?
Well, you have to look at the energy centers as spinning tubes, which are sucking in energy from the outside and transmit it through the whole body. All together are there seven major chakras in our body.
The Root Chakra - Muladhara:
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To open it, imagine that roots grow out of your spine deep into the earth. These are the connections to the Great Mother Gaia, the planet earth. She gives us the protection, the safety and the warmth, we need to survive. The word 'Muladhara' can be translated to 'Foundation'. For example, if you want to build a house, but you have no or no good foundation, it will not stand long. It's the same with your base chakra. When it's blocked or poluted, you can't use your higher chakras without crashing.
The emotion, that blocks the first chakra is fear. When you let fear guide you, you can't access the higher chakras. The media is an expert in promoting fear, because a frightened person is more easily to control, than a person with the support of Mother Earth.
To clean this chakra move away from negative energies, i.e. don't read the newspaper, the news or TV shows, which support fear; instead take a walk in the forest and connect to your inner self.
The Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana:
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The Solarplexus Chakra - Manipura:
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The emotion, which blocks this chakra is shame. The shame to do what you want, without concerning the criticism you get from the society. To follow your dream is a very hard task in our time, because we have lost our connection to who we truly are. Instead of trying to understand what our purpose on earth is, we have to get the acceptance of people, who don't care for us. We value ourselves on the opinion of others and have forgotten what it means to know thyself. We seek answer in others, because we don't accept the answer we get from the inside. To overcome this blockage, you have to accept yourself 100%. You are perfect in your own way. Every little imperfectance makes you perfect. The sanskrit word 'Manipura' can be translated into 'Palace of Jewels' and you are too a palace full of jewels. Stop valuing yourself on the opinions on others and start do what your heart is craving for.
Because the three lowest chakras held so much power, we have to be aware of what we are doing and for what reason. Is it to grow personally or is it to grow financially? Is it to help the people or is it to help yourself? Is it for the world to become a better place or is it for you to have a better life?
When we go further up in the chakra system, we find a force which is stronger than money, sex and power together: Love
The Heart Chakra - Anahata:
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The fourth chakra, also known as the Heart Chakra sits in the spine near the heart. It's the connection between the higher chakras and the lower ones. The frequency of this chakra resonates with the color green. One with an healthy and open Heart Chakra can love unconditionally. For most people love means something between two people, but that isn't totally true. Love is an infinite source of energy, which comes from an other dimension as the human mind. The egoic human mind doesn't know true love. The 'love' felt by an egoic mind is in fact a kind of possession. If you are jealous on your partner, it only means that you are afraid that one 'takes away your toy' in a symbolic sense. Many of you accept jealousy as normal in a relationship, but the truth is that jealousy is a very bad attitude with a great potential of negative energy. When you are jealous you don't accept and trust your partner fully and without doubts. But the love, which comes from the heart is something totally different. When you feel real love, you trust yourself and your partner fully and not only that, but this love is unconditionally. You don't want something back for what you've done. The sanskrit word 'Anahata' can be translated into 'unhurt'. You only can get hurt, when you hold on to things, which hurt you. The only thing, which releases you from being hurt, is forgiveness. When you can forgive someone for what they have done to you or others, you know what true love means. Truth and love were also things which Jesus taught his disciplines. I don't talk about Jesus, because I believe in Christianity, but because there is truth in the teachings of Jesus. Love doesn't exists only between humans. You can love your partner as much as you would love a flower in the garden. How much love you feel, is determined by how much love you let through you. The more love you give, the more love you get. That's how the Law of Attraction works.
The emotion, which blocks the Heart Chakra the most is grief. When we let our grief freeze our heart we can't access the gate of infinite love. To overcome this blockage we have to accept the loss or losses and to give the heart the opportunity to heal yourself. For many people it's hard to let go of the past, but this step, as well as letting go of the expectations of the future are very important steps in the development of our consciousness. Until we don't let go of these two fictional time forms, we are trapped in our mind. We have to enter the present moment and with it, letting infinite love through us out in the world.
The Throat Chakra - Vishuddhi:
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The first chakra of the higher vibrating ones is the Throat Chakra. It sits on the spine above where the collarbone are coming together and on the frequency scale it resonates with the color light blue, blue. Many of you may know what it feels to have a frog in the throat. When you can't say the things, you want to say, because there is something, which prevent you from doing it. In spiritual terms this means your Throat Chakra is blocked or poluted. This can happen when you are familiar with lying or when you are in an environment, in which there is being told many lies. So you may be know it already that this chakra deals with truth. Especially with seeking the truth in all the things you've got told. When you start questioning your reality and the believes you have since you are a child, it's because you subconsciously know that it isn't true. I, myself am honoring the truth the most, even when it's sometimes hard. Only the truth can get you where you want. When you build your life upon a web of lies, there will come a time, where it will collapse. The translation of the sanskrit word 'Vishuddhi' means 'purification'. To looking for the truth instead of accepting the lies you've got told, is the process of purification. You clean your energy body from all the lies and negative energies, which come with it. This cleansing is necessary to evolve and to enter the higher dimension of yourself. To open this chakra you have to stop lying to others and to yourself. Most of us and I too are unconsciousness of how often we lie. It's the little lies, we tell ourself and others, which keep us in our lower nature. Some are conscious about it, but won't change it, because they believe their story wouldn't be worth the same, when they would have said the truth. Many of them are also afraid of change. They build their own prison. But the humanity is evolving and more humans start to wake up and to realize the power of truth.
The Third Eye - Ajna:
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This is probably the most known one of the seven chakras. As you may already know, it sits between our eye brows and resonates with the color indigo. Many of you heard that most of the psychic ability are coming from the Third Eye and trough it we can see auras and stuff. This is true on one side, but there is more to it. Someone, who got his Third Eye opened, sees the world different as someone who don't. Not that you see more colors or something like that, but you start to begin seeing the reality as it is. You don't see yourself anymore in the mainstream, in which the only purpose in life is to make money, create a family and afterwards die. You start to question yourself and everything around you. A good example,which I got from a very impressive man, known as Infinite Waters: How do you know that there are seven billion people on the planet? Think about that a little bit. The only way you truly can know is to count each person on the planet.
Another example: How do you know if life isn't only a dream?
When you start to questioning your belief systems, you are beginning to strip off the layers of illusion, which lied on you for so long. Illusions are the blockages of the third eye. One of the biggest illusions is, that we are all seperate, but in fact we are all the same. We are all One. All this things were known by the ancient cultures. You probably know the Eye of Horus. Well, when you compare it to the sideview through the midst of our brain, you see quite a resemblance. I think and deep down I know that the ancient cultures, such as Kemet or better known Egypt, had much more knowledge and wisdom than we have today. To open this chakra you have to question everything. You have to make your research, instead of believing everything. The sanskrit word 'Ajna' means something like 'Knowledge, Wisdom' and with opening this chakra you start to know. A belief is something we assure or guess, but what we don't know exactly. You can believe a lot, but only know little.
The Crown Chakra - Sahasrara:
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The last of the seven chakras is known as the crown chakra. It sits on the top of our head and resonates with the color purple. In the Hinduistic believes it is the gate to the Nirvana and through opening it, stopping the cycle of rebirth. It connects us to the universe and its cosmic energy. The sanskrit word 'Sahasrara' can be translated into 'Thousand' or 'Infinite'. We can understand it, when we look at the whole universe and everything in it as infinite. When we enter this stage of consciousness, we are one with everything. All is everything and nothing at the same time. The present moment is a gate to the infinite, because when you are letting go of the past and the future, you stop creating time. Time is only a illusion and nothing which really exists. We are the only species, which are using watches or clocks, because we have forgotten to live in the moment. In the moment, in the Now, time doesn't exist. Only you as an infinite whole exists in it. The illusion of time has kept us in a self-made prison. A prison in which we worry about the future and regret the things we've done or not done in the past.
To open this chakra we have to overcome our ego. The ego loves to find things, which with it can identify. This creates attachement and thus hinders us to become our greatest version. Many of us can't let go of things. We are a society in which material possession is valued more than health. For example, Iphones are not longer mobile phones, they are a part of its owner. This materialism trap prevents us from growing spiritually and to enter the next stage of evolution. When you have detached from all the things, which are creating your image of self, you have opened your crown chakra. But because this is a very hard thing to accomplish, only a handful of people have entered the State of Enlightenment.
To open this chakra we have to overcome our ego. The ego loves to find things, which with it can identify. This creates attachement and thus hinders us to become our greatest version. Many of us can't let go of things. We are a society in which material possession is valued more than health. For example, Iphones are not longer mobile phones, they are a part of its owner. This materialism trap prevents us from growing spiritually and to enter the next stage of evolution. When you have detached from all the things, which are creating your image of self, you have opened your crown chakra. But because this is a very hard thing to accomplish, only a handful of people have entered the State of Enlightenment.
Our task a human species is to stop letting things of the material world govern us. We all have a purpose in life and everyone of us should follow his or her destiny. We have to stop the cruelty we project on ourselves, on the earth and on all the other living beings. We are not the only species on this planet and therefor we should start to respect all the other species the same way as we respect ourself. Would you hurt yourself, because you are hungry? Then why do you hurt another living being for your hunger?
We are the ones, who bring light into the darkness and will lead the human consciousness into a new era. One person can't change the world, but it can change its own world. Only when we see ourselves as a part of something bigger, we can take a step in the right direction and start creating something beautiful. Thank you.
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