

Hello Brothers and Sisters

It's been a while since I wrote my last blog entry and I have much to say, very much. I don't know where to start and also not where to end. It's like a roadtrip with no beginning and no ending. The journey will be infinite.

When you've read my first blog entry, you probably think I'm a child who was bored. My first intention, when I started my blog, was to do something the way all the youtube stars were doing. I was inspired by them, because they've done something for the people. But a lot has changed.

It was the last year I've started being more interested in the spiritual way of living, because watching TV, playing video games and having fake friends, didn't satisfy me anymore. It was kinda boring and not fulfilling. So I closed my eyes, listened to some good classical music and experienced a much different reality as there is. I felt like I was energy and everything around me was energy. That was the starting point or in other words the big bang of my journey. Since then I looked at the world different. I started waking up.

In the next few months I've distanced me from fake friends and started to evolve. My thoughts were getting deeper you know? I overasked things. I wasn't satisfied with the usual answers. I started again wanting to know everything why it when I was a child. Since this enlightened meditation, I've transformed my whole being. I got more peaceful, more gently, more interested in the truth, more urgent.

So, maybe you want to know why I call myself an Indigo Child? Well, I can't prove it. There's no certificate for that. At first I too wouldn't believe it. I mean, I always thought different. Through my intelligence and my artistic skills I felt I was special. Nobody, who I know was like me. Even my mum said I was special. I mean, every person is special. But not this kind of special, you know? Well, I hope it isn't too confusing. If so, then I'm apologizing. It's very hard to explain this.

Back to the topic. So, I've read about Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children and I strongly thought my brother was an Indigo Child. I never assumed that I was one...until this weekend. My mum and I were asking questions with the necklace and ring. Maybe you know this, when you asking how many children you will get. However, I thought: Well, it will be a No but asking doesn't hurt. So we asked the pendulum and to my surprise the answer was yes. At first I was very happy and I've had a big smile on my face though I didn't quite believed it. But in the following days more and more became logical to me. It was like getting the bigger picture together. I've read about characteristics of an Indigo Child and they were all true.

This is my story and I hope you enjoy the trip.

Peace is cheaper than war.

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