12 Signs You Realise The World Is Shifting



recently I am becoming more and more aware about how fast the consciousness on our planet is raising. Everywhere I look I get signs and confirmations that the enlightening of humanity also affects the whole planet and all what lives on it. You are part of this evolution too and therefore I wanted to give you 12 Signs You Realise The World Is Shifting.

Two years ago I had my first enlightenment experience. It was a beautiful day in spring. The sun was shining into my bedroom, filling it with wonderful healing light. The birds are singing their divine songs, bringing back the life force which we were so thirsty for during winter.

There I sat on my bed wondering and playing with my thoughts, which in the end have guided me into a beautiful and silent meditation. This was the beginning of my journey as an Indigo Child, or the journey as an Awakened One.

Now today after what I was able to learn from myself and the world around me, I am really fascinated by how intense the forthcoming of consciousness happens in our society. It's like seeing the whole world waking up from its deep sleep.

So, because not only this person who writes this post, experiences this phenomena, but also a growing number of souls, I want to share 12 signs with you, that will show you, if you also realise that the world is shifting or if you are just paranoid.

12 Signs You Realise The World Is Shifting:

  1. Your social media is full of wise and free thinking posts: When you open up your Facebook Page or your Instagram Feed, you get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of educational and spiritual content. It's like social media change to a tool for enlightenment rather than entertainment. You realise the world is shifting, when you see that on your feed are more wise and free thinking posts than entertaining posts.
  2. Meditation is very important: The desire to go inwards is like a natural force for you. This wonderful feeling of peace and serenity always gives you space to go inwards. You meditate wherever you are. Meditation is becoming more than just a routine or a must. You realise the world is shifting, when you find yourself meditating at times you normally would do something else (like depleting your energy on your iPhone).
  3. People around think you are crazy: Hmm, I could write a novel about how many times my family and people around me thought I went crazy. These new and unbound ideas about life, sexuality, spirituality etc. that move through my head are collapsing with the old and traditional beliefs, which kept humanity in mental chains for so long. You realise the world is shifting, when more and more people think you are crazy and when you too realise that you think completely different.
  4. Synchronicities happen all over the place: That's a fun one. Ever thought about something and then you've read it somewhere the next day or even in the next moments? These spontaneous occurrences are an indicator that you are living in alignment with the universe. You realise the shift of consciousness, when you literally get hit in the face (in a positive way) by the universe. 
  5. Your interests shift towards helping and healing people: The materialistic world and its lifestyle are more like a scary horror movie for you than an "American Dream". Your goal in life is to be happy and to share this with people. You want to help people around you and heal the imbalance of the world, because you know happiness is increasing when being shared. You realise the shift of consciousness, when you feel the need to bring back balance to the world and minimising the gap between rich and poor.
  6. The System becomes more and more absurd to you: Well yeah, this bothers me still today. For example, ever thought about how insane it is that we have only one month of freedom when we would work in a regular job. You realise the shift of consciousness when you start to seeing through the matrix and when you open up new paths with your transcendental thinking.
  7. You start living healthier and more holistic: Health is Wealth! You know this very well and so you value healthy foods more than drinking on the weekend or buying new clothes. You are either vegetarian or vegan. This shift in your lifestyle not only happened because your growing empathy towards animals, but also the need of your body for High Energy Foods. You realise the world is changing, when you start seeing food more than just nutrients, but more like medicine.
  8. Politics are of no interest: Oh come on! I thought we've buried this topic already beneath all the dirt and dust we call illusion and ignorance. But just that you know, you are not alone: As the consciousness in you raise, you start loosing interest in politics and the drama it propagates. You realise the world is changing, when you see Trump and all these political people more like actors playing a roman tragedy rather than real influencers on their way to make the world a better place.
  9. You are becoming free of religion: Religion is still a hot topic. So I don't want to disrespect any culture, but you start seeing the truth of these organised groups. However you still look for truth in the words and actions of the prophets and deities of these institutions, but you block out the bs what some guy tells you, you should believe. You realise the world is changing, when you can pick up teachings from every religion and see their divine core without any judgement.
  10. The connection to Nature is very strong: Nature is your friend. Nature is your family. Nature is you. Whenever you go outside you feel this strong connection with Nature. You love to sit on Mother Earth's ground and you feel at peace when you are in nature. You realise the raise of consciousness, when you start respecting Mother Earth and seeing the divine in everything which moves, flies or swings in the wind.
  11. You value deep relationships more than superficial ones: Family and close friends are one of the most important things in your life. You know the preciousness of this gift and you are protecting it with everything you have (even if this means you have to let go of your ego). You realise the raise of consciousness, when you feel love and comfort for those who really care for you.
  12. You start seeing a lot of change around you: This sign is more like a combination of all the above. All the points mentioned above only can be of value when you are aware of them. Without awareness even a brilliant diamond turns into a boring rock. Seeing change happening around you is a sign that your awareness becomes more and more sensitive. You realise the raise of consciousness, when you observe with the light of awareness rather than blindly consume everything.
These were some of the signs, which can tell you that you are aware the world is shifting. Of course some won't be true for you, but when you really want to know if you are going crazy or if you are waking up, trust and listen to your intuition. This precious gift is like the invisible thread which guides you through your life. Value it more than reason. Intuition can tell you far more than your intellect is able to.

"At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want." - Lao Tse


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